Sunday, February 8, 2009

This Ain't Right

Here I am sitting on my front porch in 61 degree weather with the sun beaming in on me. I feel like an ole lazy cat. I was telling Rosy and Maggie this morning that we were suppose to have temps in the upper 60's this week and one day almost 70! As Rosy stated, it's not good to have warm weather like this at this time of the year. I hope our spring flowers and fruit trees don't get fooled into thinking it's time to bud. We will pay for this oddity with colds, flu, and colder temps later on. Just wait and see.

This morning while in the kitchen I caught a birdie in the bird bath splish splashing and having a great time. Usually I'm not fortunate enough to have the camera at hand, but I did then. I've been rather saddened about 'my' birds. I bought some bird feed at Dollar General Store right before the expected snow last week--I was completely out and didn't want them to go hungry during the bad weather. For some reason, they don't particularly like this kind. Oh, well, I suppose if they get hungry enough, they will eat it.

My Maggie is taking a cold. She's all covered up on her bed resting. I hope she feels better in the morning if not sooner. Rosy had to go out to the bowling alley to see what was happening at the Youth Traveling League Tournament. Maggie and I knew he couldn't stay away. That rascal, he bowled a 216 and a 218 last night. I think I'll put him on the PRO circuit!

For my knitting buddies, since last night, I've been trying my hand at "Continental" knitting. I'm getting better but far from mastery. I did try purling....NOT. It will take a whole lot more practice. I think I'm just content to 'throw' my yarn.

Ahhh, the sun feels soooo good and the birds sound so happy. Goodness gracious, I just saw a bug fly by!

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