Saturday, January 24, 2009

Ahhhh, the weekend

There can never been too many favorite day of the week. It's very quiet here at Gillenwater Manor. Our Maggie is in Gatlinburg with friends for the weekend. They are attending "Resurrection" ~ a teen oriented Christian conference. I talked to her this morning and they didn't get much sleep last night but she still sounded good. She is a gal who has to have her sleep. After their session this morning, they get to hit the streets of G'burg and have free time until supper and tonight's session. She will be home tomorrow afternoon. Indeed, there's a great deal of energy NOT here. I do miss her!

I DID get the bookshelf cleaned up and weeded out some books. The sad can't tell I've done anything. That's why I don't like to clean. It's a total waste of time and energy.

I'm headed to turn on my gas logs (and blower) and knit on my basket weave scarf. I would like to wear it some THIS winter.

Ahhh, Saturdays.....

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