Sunday, January 4, 2009

Last Day...

Good grief, here it is the last day of Christmas vacation...It's back to setting the alarm clock once again for 6:00 a.m. Yuck. I know that I should be glad to have a job and I am glad. I suppose I just yearn to be my own boss and not have to supervise 5 year olds and keep them safe and teach them all they are suppose to know before going on to First Grade. Yep, retirement is looking better and better.

Rosy is bowling in a tournament today. He was so excited. In a way, I feel I ought to be there to support him, but another way, I don't want to jinx him. Of course, it just gets him all frustrated whenever I get near him. I just tear him all to pieces! LOL I suppose I'll just stay home and continue to rest and try to get over this crud that has pounced on me. Finally my throat and ear and have quit hurting. The "Z pack" must be doing some good.

I now have a new piece of furniture to add to my NEST by the fireplace. It is a little cart on casters to hold my drink, phone, knitting, Bible, other reads, and catalogs. It's really not too tacky and will probably fall apart before the winter winds turn to spring rains. Yep, it was made in China and of course, I had to enlist Rosy on a couple of 'screws'. The holes weren't lining up as suppose to...naturally. Anyway, Maggie has had a good laugh because I'm so cute relaxing in the the recliner with the laptop and my new little cart by my side.

Life is good.

Now, where's the snow, hot chocolate and the fire in the fireplace? Maybe toward the middle of the week.....


  1. Congrats on your maiden blogging adventure! Will look forward to each post as we wend our way home, and then, we get to see you in person! Ray & NJ Joe send their best wishes to you as well. We are off to Los Angeles tomorrow to help mom with a couple of things. Then, one big left turn and we'll be on our way home to you. Keep up the good work! L, P

  2. H,

    Ok, your descriptions are wonderful, but HEY, we want pics!!!!!!!!!!

    L, M ;-0
